In your opinion what has this unit involved?
This unit involved building an art and design portfolio on a blog. It also involved making a CV,
learning about the importance of a portfolio, finding out about courses and jobs for me and how
to present yourself at an interview.
Explain what you have covered within this unit?
We have covered responses to videos, the purpose of a portfolio, questions answered on Jane's
graphic design portfolio, research on HE courses and jobs within the art and design industry,
making a blog, mock interview, looking at good and bad interviews, examples of good and
bad CV's and making a CV.
What particular areas of this unit have helped in preparation for preparing your portfolio?
Answering interview questions on paper made me think about my interests and goals for the future.
Watching videos of good and bad interviews showed me how to present at an interview.
How has your understanding of preparing a portfolio developed during this unit?
my understanding has developed alot. I now understand that a portfolio must show all of my best
work and show that I understand the names of each unit, how to write a CV and conduct myself
at an interview.
How did you feel before the unit about producing a portfolio and how do you feel now?
Before starting the unit, I felt that learning about how to produce a portfolio would be really
good for me to help me go up in the world. Now that I have finished the unit, I feel very happy
that I have made a portfolio and improved my CV.
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